The Academic Video Online collection from Alexander Street Press includes videos in a range of subject areas, including news programs, music and theatre, lectures and demonstrations, and documentaries. The Women and Social Movements Library comprises primary source documents and scholarly essays on women's activism.
Languages: English
Baylor University Press is a publisher of academic e-books primarily in religious studies and the humanities. Editors can select titles of interest from their catalogue.
Languages: English
The Central and Eastern European Online Library is a publisher of a wide range of Humanities and Social Sciences journals and ebooks. Access includes more than 1700 journals, but does not currently include ebooks.
Languages: български, bosanski, čeština, Deutsch, English, français, hrvatski, magyar, lietuvių, polski, română, русский, slovenčina, srpski, Türkçe
De Gruyter is a scholarly publisher specializing in academic literature. Accounts can access the electronic resources available through De Gruyter Online, which include ebooks and journals in arts, humanities, social sciences, natural sciences, theology/religion, medicine, mathematics, law and general reference.
Languages: Deutsch, English
Magiran is a publisher of newspapers and scientific journals.
Languages: فارسی
Multidisciplinary Waitlisted
McFarland & Company is an academic publisher of works on a wide variety of topics, and specializes in covering areas often underrepresented in academic literature, such as video games, sports and popular culture. Please look through McFarland's online catalogue to find books in your area of interest.
Languages: English includes more than 800 million pages from 20,000+ newspapers. The collection includes some major newspapers for limited periods (e.g., 50 years of the New York Times), but mostly consists of US regional papers from the 1700s to the late 1980s. Free accounts through the Wikipedia Library include access to Publisher Extra content.
Languages: English
OECD iLibrary is an online library of books, papers and statistics published by the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD).
Languages: English, français, 日本語
Multidisciplinary Technology Business and Economics Education
OpenEdition is a publisher of books and journals in the social sciences and humanities. While most of OpenEdition's content is Open Access, they have donated access to Freemium for Journals, an additional collection of 140 usually paywalled journals.
Languages: Deutsch, English, español, français, italiano, português
ProQuest is a multidisciplinary research provider. This access includes ProQuest Central, which includes a large collection of journals and newspapers, Literature Online, the HNP Chinese Newspaper Collections, and the Historical New York Times.
Languages: العربية, dansk, Deutsch, English, español, français, português
Sabinet is an online database of full text South and Southern African journals. Access includes coverage of a wide variety of topic areas; much of Sabinet's content is in English, but there are also publications in various other European and African languages (particularly Afrikaans).
Languages: Afrikaans, English
Tilastopaja is a database offering athletics statistics from Finland and worldwide.
Languages: English, suomi
Culture Waitlisted
ZEIT ONLINE is the online version of Die Zeit, a German weekly newspaper.
Languages: Deutsch, English
Culture Business and Economics Waitlisted